terça-feira, 6 de novembro de 2007

O meio do começo

Olá pessoas que lêem meu blog, ou melhor, olá BLOG! Pois duvido muito que alguém leia o meu diarinho virtual cute! :}

Volto aqui, depois de algumas semanas para reportar o andamento do meu plano de conquistar a Europa, a Ásia e a Oceania! Digo....meu plano de ser Au Pair nos Estados Unidos da América! ;D

Já terminei as 200 horas necessárias e mais um pouco de experiência com crianças caqen...digo, fofinhas. (Brincadeira, não são caquentas não, amo-as do fundo do meu <3 )
Já providenciei meu passaporte, agora só não sei quando ele fica pronto.
Já fiz minha inscrição no programa Au Pair pela STB / Au Pair Care.
Já fiz a prova de inglês e a de perfil, fui muito bem nas duas, por sinal.
Já peguei meu application e preenchi quase inteiro, só está faltando o número do passaporte, a assinatura do médico e da coordenadora da creche, e a entrevista, que eu vou fazer amanhã com a minha professora de inglês que é uma graça e está me ajudando pra caramba! ^^

Hoje mandei revelar as fotos que eu selecionei para fazer a colagem, depois tenho que comprar todos os apetrechos cutes pra fazer a montagem.

Terminei também a minha carta às Host Families, pra quem se interessar e entender inglês, aí vai:

Dear Host Family

My name is Heloisa Soares Vasconcellos gonçalves (very large name, han?), but everyone call me Helô, or Lolô. I’m a 20 year old girl and LOVE kids.
I was born in São Caetano do Sul, but now I live in São José do Rio Preto, in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, I’ve been living here for ten years. It’s such a hot place.
I live with my mom and dad, in a place not so distant from downtown, but on weekends we go to our country cottage, it’s pretty fun there. =)
I love animals, every kind of them! I have two dogs and seven (yes, seven!) cats, I had just two, but one of them is female and had five kitties.
In my free time, I get with my family and friends. I like to go to the movies, to the shopping mall, downtown, to the club on hot days and many other cool places that I can’t remember right now. We use to travel too. We usually go to the beach, I like it very much.
I like to study too. I’ve studied in a school close to my house, I always got along with my teachers and had good grades.
When I finished high school, I started college, I was studying pharmacy, but I realized that it wasn’t what I wanted for my entire life, so, I stopped with the college last semester.
I like children very much, so, I went to the STB agency to get informed about the Au Pair program, and decided that it was exactly what I wanted, because I’ll learn more about your culture doing a thing that I like and know how to do, taking care of children.
The experiences that I have with kids were really nice!
Since I was younger, I take care of my little cousins, I play with them and educate them. My aunts and uncles trusted me, because they knew that I’m responsible with their children.
I also had some experience in religious education with 6 to 10 year old kids. I did, for about one year, a social work in a church close to my house. It was pretty fun, because we showed the bible’s teaching to kids playing, drawing, painting and acting in small plays.
But, with no doubt, the best experience that I had with children was in the last three months, when I decided to go to the United States as an Au Pair.
I’ve been working in a children garden, three days per week (7am to 6pm), taking care of 6 month to 6 year old kids.
There, I learned many things, as change diaper, bathing them, feeding them, brushing their teeth, I also educate, play, paint, draw and make toys with recyclable materials with them. We teach them things like, the importance of fruits and vegetables in our diet, how to save water, because it is getting over, to recycle the garbage, etc.
I got along with all age children, and I’m certain that I have all the required qualities to take care of any child.
I think I’m very calm, patient, easy going, responsible, funny, lovely, I’m always on a good mood and know how to solve problems patiently.
So, I’m waiting for your call or e-mail. =)



E aí, como está?
Se alguém está lendo, comente por favor. ^^

E por enquanto é isso.
Volto a postar em algumas semanas.

Beijos da Hell!

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